
Home Remedies for Hair Fall – Prevention and Cure

The more beautiful you look when you flaunt your impeccable, gorgeous, shiny and smooth hair. But hair loss is a common problem that many people suffer from.  Not only women but also men are facing the same. There are various options available for hair loss treatment, but homemade remedies are the best options that work well with no side effects. Additionally, these remedies are affordable and doesn’t cost you more like other treatments available in the market.

Causes of Hair Fall

According to studies, an individual loses about 50-100 hairs every day. But, if it is losses more then you should consult the dermatologists. There are numerous reasons for causing hair loss which are:-

  • Stress & depression
  • Poor Diet
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Scalp infections
  • Excess use of Chemical products
  • Anaemia
  • Thyroid
  • Genetic
  • Deficiency of Vitamin B6

Top Home Remedies to prevent hair loss

Sacred of your frequent hair loss problem?  Now, you don’t need to worry anymore. Just check out the below listed home remedies to give new life to your hair.

  1. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk deeply moisturizes your hair and makes it healthy and shiny. It has a rich amount of vitamin E, fatty acid and potassium which play a significant role in improving the hair growth as well as also protect from hair damage and hair loss.

How to use

  • You can prepare coconut milk easily at home. Take grated coconut and grind it, to extract milk from it.
  • Use a hair dye brush to apply coconut milk on your hair scalp. After that, cover your head with a towel.
  • Remove the towel after 20 minutes and wash hair with cold water.
  • You can use shampoo to wash hair
  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural herb that effectively works in balancing the PH level of hair scalp and promotes hair growth. It keeps your hair healthy and reduces the problem of hair fall.

How to use

  • Tear the leave (a stalk) of Aloe Vera in two pieces and to take out the gel from it.
  • Your hair should be washed before using it on hair
  • Apply the Aloe Vera gel in your hair & scalp and massage gently in circulation motion
  • Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes
  • Then, wash with cold water

Note: Aloe Vera plant having yellow colored sap comprises toxins which can create itching or irritation on your skin. You can boil the stalk or leave of a plant before extracting the gel from it.  This will convert the toxins into salicylic acid which is harmless for skin.

  1. Hibiscus Flowers

Hibiscus flowers comprise of natural properties that works well in preventing hair loss and provide nourishment to promote hair growth. It also provides thickness to the hair and treats the problems of dandruff, split ends and grey hair.

How to use

  • Take few flowers of hibiscus and crush it
  • Make a paste by mixing it with sesame or coconut oil
  • Apply the paste on your hair and scalp
  • Rinse it off after a few hours with mild shampoo
  1. Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla is a blessing for those who are suffering with hair fall and other hair ailments. It has a good amount of vitamin C and essential nutrients which encourages hair growth and control hair loss. Apart from this, it also helps in keeping your mane healthy and strong.

How to use

  • Mix dried Indian gooseberries with coconut oil
  • Boil it, till the oil turns black
  • After that cool it and use this oil to massage your hair scalp
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it with mild shampoo
  1. Curd

Curd provides natural conditioner for hair. It contains proteins and vitamin B5, which prevent hair loss and make your hair strand strong and shiny.

How to use

  • Take 2 tbs of curd in a bowl and add honey & lemon juice in it
  • Mix it well to make a paste
  • Apply it on your hair and scalp with the help of a hair dye brush
  • Rinse it off with cold water after 30 minutes
  • You can use a mild shampoo to wash
  1. Beetroot Juice

Beetroot Juice having essential nutrients such as calcium, protein, carbohydrates, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin B & C. These nutrients play a key role in improving your hair texture and promote the hair growth.

How to use

  • Take few leaves of beetroot and boil it
  • Make a paste of leaves and add henna in it
  • Apply the mixed paste of leaves & henna in your hair and scalp
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it off
  1. Olive oil

Due to the rich amount of antioxidants properties, olive oil efficiently works in treating hair loss. It has vitamin E and Mono unsaturated fatty which is good for hair growth.

How to use

  • Heat the olive oil with coconut oil
  • Apply the Luke warm oil mixture to hair and scalp
  • Leave it for 2 and 3 hours and then wash it off
  1. Onion Juice

Onion comprises antibacterial properties that works well in eliminating the bacterial infections in hair scalp. Additionally, it has sulphur content that boost the blood circulation of hair follicles and promote hair growth.

How to use

  • Take 2 onion and grate it to extract its juice
  • Use cotton ball to apply the juice in your scalp and cover the hair strand from root to tip.
  • Leave it for 30 minutes
  • After that, wash it with shampoo
  1. Egg

Egg contains essential nutrients such as sulphur, iodine, zinc, phosphorous and proteins that can inhibit the problem of hair loss. All these nutrients promote health hair growth.

How to use

  • Take out the white portion of Egg in a bowl
  • Add 1 tbs of olive oil in it and beat it to make paste
  • Apply the mixture on your scalp and hair
  • Rinse it off with cool water and mild shampoo after 20 minutes


Apart from home remedies, there are some lifestyle changes and tips that you can follow to eliminate hair fall and get healthy hair strand.

  1. Hair massage

Do regular hair massage with lukewarm oil to improve blood circulation of scalp and nourish your hair. Several types of oils such coconut oil, lavender oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, etc. can be used for massage purpose.

  1. Avoid eating Junk Food

The consumption of junk food can leads to hair fall as it contains only excessive calorie but no essential nutrients.  Instead of eating Junk food switch to protein rich foods, green vegetables and fruits in your diet.

  1. Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is beneficial to improve blood circulation as well as enhances the flow of oxygen in your hair scalp. It makes your hair healthy and control hair loss.

  1. Don’t use comb on wet hair

Always dry your wet hair with dry towel before using comb in it. The wet hair are very weak and prone to breakage and hair damage.

  1. Stay hydrated

Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water about 6-8 glasses in a day. Drinking water works well to keep hair fall at bay.

  1. Trimming

The spilt ends is another reason for causing hair fall. Trim your hair at specific time of interval to avoid hair fall.

  1. Say good bye to hot styling tools

Unnecessary use of high temperatures hair style tools can destroy the vital proteins of hair and leads to problems of hair damage, hair loss, roughness and breakage.

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Written by Jannie

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