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Tips to Lower Glucose Level in Blood

Steps to get rid of high glucose

The number of diabetic patient is increasing rapidly due to poor eating habits and because of this several diabetic patients are busy searching the right diabetic tips to control the blood sugar level in the body.  It is also very necessary to know that due to diabetes problem one gains more and more body weight; as a result it disrupts the other functions of the body.   It is very important to note that diabetes and obesity are closely related to each-other; therefore, it is necessary to control the signs of diabetes at early stages; they are:

  • Excessive thirst.
  • Excessive urination.

The body of the diabetics is not able to produce enough insulin to lower the sugar level.

Here are five tips to help diabetics:

See what you eat:  The best method to lower sugar level in the body is to watch what you take in your diet. Eat those fruits, vegetables and grains that can maintain the normal blood sugar level in the body.  It is very essential to minimize the carbohydrate content in the food to maintain the sugar level in the body.  Foods which are low in carbohydrate content are soy milk, raisin bran, oatmeal, white bread and peanuts.

Exercise: It is very essential to do regular exercise in order to control body weight.  Losing body weight diminishes the possibility of medications as it lowers the glucose level in the body.

Eat small Meals: Diabetics are recommended to eat smaller meals throughout the day at least 5 to 6 times. So, it is necessary to add those foods which are low in glucose content as foods which are high in glucose content have the chances of increasing sugar level in the blood.

Drink Unsweetened Tea: The best method to reduce sugar level in the body is to take green or unsweetened tea as plenty of sugar in the tea may raise the sugar level in the blood. So, it is recommendable to drink two to three cups of tea daily.

adopt a Healthier Lifestyle: It is very necessary to flush out fatigue and stress from life to maintain good health as it controls body hormones and help you stay fit and healthy.

So, do follow above mentioned activities and swipe away diabetes from your life.

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Written by Jannie

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