
How to Remove Warts : 5 Methods to Get Rid of Warts.

Wart is a very common problem which is usually observed with the onset of hard formation on the skin. You can get this problem even without knowing the reason behind its occurrence.  It can occur any time and at any place of the body easily. So, it is necessary to know about wart and how to get rid from it.

Prescription Medicines:  It is necessary to consult a doctor if you are suffering from wart as it is necessary to treat it which can be done easily through common medicines recommended by physician such as Catharidin. But there are several other medicines also available in the market to treat warts. Catharidin is applied on wart and then covered with bandage; when this wart dries then bandage is removed from the old skin.  This medicine is even given to those patients who suffer from circulatory and diabetic problems. It is also necessary to remove hair from the wart area when it is treated.

Over-the-Counter Medicines: There are various counter medicines available in the market which claims to cure wart problems effectively.  You can use these medicines as they consist of salicylic acid which is available in the form of drops, gel, pads   and plasters. This drug can also be used by diabetic patients easily.

Cryotherapy or Freezing:  This treatment uses liquid solution to treat the wart which is used to freeze the warts. Although it is painless process but it causes some burning sensation at the wart spot. Skin color may fade from the place where this treatment is used.

Laser Removal: The most effective treatment to treat wart is laser therapy. It is one of the most effective therapies which use laser rays to destroy virus which causes warts on your body skin. Though it is very effective technique but is very expensive this cannot be afforded by everyone.

Home Remedies:  The most easy and safe method is to use home remedies to treat this problem. But during its application whether it will create any problems or pain on the affected area, one can’t say. You can use lemon juice, duct tapes and Apple Cider vinegar.

Some of these treatments also leave scars on the skin .So, be careful while selecting the treatment.  If any complications occur then you can consult a doctor

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Written by Jannie

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